
Co-Curated Group Exhibition, SET Woolwich, London, 02.02-08.02.23

Curated with Jarek Kubacki and Dylan Serventi.

Featuring Ellie Antoniou, Alvaro Samuel Castro, Livia Harper, Elliot Jeffries, Rose Jenson-Banner, Jarek Kubacki, Luke Parry, Inigo Roberts, Dylan Serventi, Beatrice Vorster, Youn Yunlong Zhang.

Outpainting takes its name from the process of artificially generating an outside.An image expanded from its original contents, space synthesised, bleeding back towards its memesis. Leakage as pictorial ecosystem. Bringing together a group of emerging artists, Outpainting creates an expanded field of generation and mutation, works shifting in and out of meat and screen space. Objects as contamination, memetic qualities of the invasive and atomizing drone of high-frequency newsfeed, dopamine dependency, attention deficit and post-lexia. Society at saturation point, the virtual body as a dishonest implant yet familiar memory.